Pipeable SDK for iOS

Currently in alpha state

Check out our blog post announcing the release of Pipeable for iOS: Introducing Pipeable.

To quickly try out a sample app, check out our Samples repository.


Pipeable is a WebView automation framework similar to Puppeteer / Playwright which allows the developer to script a sequence of action to be performed inside a WebView.

It is inspired by the design of browser automation frameworks and exposes an API that is very similar.


try await page.goto("https://news.ycombinator.com/")

let searchForm = try await page.waitForXPath(
    "//form[contains(@action, 'hn.algolia.com')]",
    visible: true

let textAreaEl = try await searchForm?.querySelector("input[type='text']")
try await textAreaEl?.type("web automation")

_ = try await page.submitActiveForm()

try await page.waitForURL { url in url.contains("hn.algolia") }

try await page.waitForSelector(".Story_title", visible: true)

let stories = try await page.querySelectorAll(".Story_title")

var storyTitles: [String] = []

for story in stories {
    if let title = try await story.textContent() {



Pipeable is distrbuted through Swift Package Manager and CocoaPods.

  1. Using Swift Package Manager:
  • Select your project’s target settings
  • Under “Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content” select “+”
  • Add Other… -> Add Package Dependency
  • In the “Search or Enter Pacakge URL” enter: https://github.com/PipeableHQ/pipeable-ios.git
  1. Using CocoaPods
  • In your Podfile add
pod 'PipeableSDK'
  • Run pod install

Quick start


The starting point of every automation is the PipeablePage object. It binds to a WKWebView and is used to drive user interaction with the page’s elements and to read back contents off the page.

import PipeableSDK

let webView = PipeableWebView()
let page = webView.page

Navigating to a page is done using the .goto(url: String, waitUntil: WaitUntilOptions = .load, timeout: Int = 30_000) method.

The options for waitUntil are domcontentloaded, load, and networkidle.

try await page.goto("https://myaddress.com")

Selecting elements

Selecting an element can be done via querySelectors and xpath. For example:

let element = try await page.querySelector("#id.class")
if let element = element {
  // Do something with the element.

let xpathSelector = try await page.xpathSelector(
    "//div[contains(string(), 'Text on page')]"

// There are also waitFor* versions of the selectors,
// which wait until elements are attached or become visible.

let visibleElement = try await page.waitForSelector(".appears_with_delay", visible: true)

// We can also query the subtrees of elements for other elements. E.g.

let container = try await page.querySelector("#container")

let items = try await container!.querySelectorAll(".item")

Interacting with elements

One can click, hover, select, focus and type on elements.

try await element.click();
try await element.type("Text", delay: 10)

Waiting for events

When we interact with a page, we often need to listen to what’s happening on the page and react accordingly.

Here are some tools to do that:

try await page.waitForURL(
    { url in url == "http://site.com/goal_page" },
    timeout: 30_000

let repsonse = try await page.waitForResponse(
    { res in res.url == "http://site.com/api/async_api" }